GranQueso Original
Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Country of origin: United States
Region: Wisconsin
Type: semi-hard
Fat content: 9 g/100g
Texture: creamy
Rind: natural
Colour: pale yellow
Flavour: citrusy, spicy, sweet
Aroma: nutty
Producers: Emmi Roth USA
Inspired from Spanish cheeses the GranQueso is an Emmi Roth USA original. Made from the pasteurized milk of the local Wisconsin cow, each wheel is given a rubdown with a special blend of spices including cinnamon and paprika. It is then cured for about 6 months, which gives a sharp taste with a distinctive sweetness. A seven time American Cheese Society first place winner, this is a must have in your kitchen.
GranQueso cheese goes well with Micro-brewed wheat beer or hard cider. It adds great flavour to salads and is perfect for squash, potato or leek soup.

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