Good Thunder
Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Country of origin: United States
Region: Mankato, MN
Type: semi-hard, artisan, smear-ripened
Rind: washed
Colour: yellow
Flavour: creamy
Aroma: stinky, strong
Vegetarian: yes
Vegan: no
Producers: Alemar Cheese
Good Thunder is a washed-rind cheese, bathed in Surly Brewing's Bender, an oatmeal brown ale. The cheese is washed weekly for 3 weeks, during which the Brevibacterium linens cultures give the cheese its orange rind and distinctive stinky aroma. It is further ripened and refrigerated for a couple more weeks before it is available in the market. The result is a fudgy, dense cheese that softens and becomes funkier, as it ages. Of course, it pairs well with brown ales and ciders.

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