Cayuga Blue
Made from goat's milk
Country of origin: United States
Region: NY
Family: Blue
Type: semi-hard, blue-veined
Texture: compact
Rind: bloomy
Colour: ivory
Flavour: creamy
Aroma: mild, rich
Vegetarian: yes
Vegan: no
Producers: Lively Run Goat Dairy
Loosely based on the French Roquefort, the Cayuga Blue cheese is produced at the Lively Run Dairy in the United States. This goat milk cheese is aged for 2 months, after which it gets a strong, creamy and rich flavour. It is naturally rinded and blue-veined cheese which has complex as well as delicate flavour. It can be paired with powerful wines and beers like Reisling, Lemberger or a Pinot Noir.

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